Supporting Comprehension for Gestalt Language Processors
Aug 07, 2024
If you’re a parent of a gestalt language processor, you may have been told your child has a receptive language disorder or a comprehension difficulty. We get questions about this topic often, “Does my gestalt language processor understand directions?”, “Should my gestalt language processor have receptive language goals on their IEP?”, “Should I be concerned about comprehension”, etc.
First, let’s review the stages of gestalt language development
(Blanc, 2012)
Stage 1: Delayed Echolalia
Scripting whole gestalts, single word gestalts, and/or intonationally defined strings of language from people, media, or books.
Example: "There's a monster at the end of the book!"
Stage 2: Mix and Match Stage or “Trimming down” (Partial Gestalts)
Mitigating larger Stage 1 gestalts into smaller chunks and also mixing and matching parts/chunks of Stage 1 gestalts into semi-unique utterances.
Examples #1 (mixing of two partial gestalts): "There's a monster + under there" = There's a monster under there.
Example #2 (Trimming down): "There's a monster."
Stage 3: Single Words and Two-Word Combinations
Breaking the script down to one word unit and/or making a new noun combination.
Example: "monster", "scary monster", "monster red"
Stages 4-6: New Original Phrases or Sentences with Beginning Grammar, More Advanced and Complex Grammar
Putting word units together to make novel phrases or sentences. At Stage 4, children are using beginning grammar. At stages 5-6, children begin using advanced and complex grammar.
Examples: “The monster goed under” (Stage 4) “The monster can’t get out” (Stage 5), “Shouldn’t he have come out from under the bed by now?” (Stage 6).
Gestalt language processors in the early stages are not reliable test takers
Standardized testing is likely not giving you a full picture of your child’s comprehension skills. Until a child is self-generating language (using original, flexible language) in stage 4+, we cannot rely on standardized tests. We should presume receptive language competence until a child is able to process words as units (stage 3*) and communicate with their own novel language (stage 4+).
Instead, the best way to "test" a gestalt language processor is to take many language samples. Language samples will tell us which stage a child is mainly in and where we should "start" to support their language development. Very few professionals do this because standardized tests are considered the "gold standard" in many fields.
Gestalt language processors in the early stages process language as a larger unit that encompasses the experience, the intonation and the drama or emotion. Not the words (not yet, not in the early stages). This isn't a comprehension deficit.
Check out this example (provided by an SLP who is a course member):
Child: *Rolls pencils off the table while singing "Ten in a bed...roll over...roll over."*
The speech-language pathologist, (SLP), recognized it as a Stage 1 gestalt. She practices child-led therapy so she joined in and sang with the child and acknowledged his gestalt.
Then the SLP tried to get the child to clean up the pencils and put them back in the bin. She was confused why he wouldn't do it. Why couldn't he follow the clean up direction? You may be thinking he didn't understand… NOPE!
The child didn't clean up because the gestalt he had did not include cleaning up the item/pencils when they had "rolled over." Keep in mind that gestalts are NOT about the words in the early stages. The child is picking up the whole experience and that, along with the intonation, carries a meaning for the child.
Instead… I suggested that the SLP introduce a new gestalt to the child for cleaning up! Like the clean up song. Why? We can’t alter, change, or expand on stage 1 gestalts. So we can’t change the gestalt the child is currently using while rolling the pencils off the table to include cleaning up but we can create and model a completely new potential gestalt for the child for clean up! Children in the early stages need new gestalts.
What can you do to support a gestalt language processor when it comes to comprehension?
- Focus on language development. Learn about the Natural Language Acquisition framework (Blanc, 2012) and how to support your child's language journey.
- Educate and advocate at school and with outside providers. Most people haven’t heard about gestalt language development and many have been following the medical model of disability for years. They presume if a child doesn't follow the direction that they must have a comprehension deficit or attention difficulty. This is false.
- Don’t be afraid to have children memorize some information when it comes to safety. Although we don’t recommend directly teaching language, when it comes to safety it may be important. Gestalt language processors aren’t ready to answer questions in the early stages (Stages 1 & 2), but they may need to memorize the answer to “What’s your name?” for safety reasons.
- If you’re an SLP, remember that expressive and receptive language are not easily separated. We try to separate them but they are really so intertwined, especially with our GLPs in the early stages. It is best to talk about it in terms of language development and not "slice and dice it.” When we are supporting children and highly engaging, child-led activities and supporting "expressive language development" we are also supporting "receptive language development" in the process.
- Rethink common receptive language goals we have for gestalt language processors. Instead, we should write goals that are strengths-based and meet the child where they’re at. Some goals we need to rethink include:
- Following directions goals:
- They are not child-led/intrinsically motivating
- Many children have motor planning challenges and/or regulation may impact outcome
- Events may become part of a gestalt for the child and they could have difficulty having variation within the gestalt (not difficulty with comprehension).
- These goals often focus more on compliance than comprehension
- Receptive vocabulary goals:
- Until Stage 3 (single words and two-word combinations), a gestalt language processor does not recognize single words as units of meaning.
- In receptive vocabulary activities, the child is asked to point to an item when named. Stage 3 is often when a gestalt language processor begins to naturally referentially point.
- These labels provided during such activities can also become "stuck" single word gestalts, which we want to avoid if possible as these can make it more difficult for children to progress through the stage and for providers/caregivers to model language.
- Responding to WH questions (who, what, where, when, why, how) goals:
- Until Stage 4 (self-generated phrases/sentences), a child does not have the flexibility in their expressive language to respond in a manner that would represent their understanding of language.
- Following directions goals:
Want to learn more in-depth information about how to support gestalt language processors?
- There are many free podcasts, webinars and articles to get you started. A comprehensive list of resources can also be found on our website. We just released a new FREE masterclass on echolalia and child-led therapy that is perfect for anyone starting their learning journey or on the fence about purchasing our courses!
- Consider taking the Meaningful Speech course to learn more about how your child or client processes language, how you can help support them from echolalia to self-generated (original flexible) language, child-led therapy, and neurodiversity-affirming practices. Looking for something shorter? We have a 1-hour introductory course perfect for extended family, daycare or school staff.
- Consider taking our AAC + Gestalt Language Processing course. It will teach you how to identify, evaluate and support gestalt language processors who use AAC or who you think might benefit from AAC.
- Look for a speech-language pathologist (SLP) who "gets it" and can help you in supporting your child's language development. Check out our registry for SLPs who understand gestalt language processing and child-led therapy.
- Are you a school-based or private practice clinician looking for intake forms for new clients/students or creative visual reminder posters for your space? Check out the Meaningful Speech Marketplace.
- Want to learn more about starting a niche private practice? Watch our 1-hour webinar on starting a niche private practice hosted by Alex Zachos and Jess Teixeira from the Meaningful Speech team HERE.